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1917: A Mirror To The End Is A Gimmick, But Also A Strength.

2020/2/22 9:10:00 0


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In the end, it means removing the marks of the clip. From the beginning to the end, the film is composed of a single and uninterrupted long lens. Five years ago, Oscar's best movie "bird man" made the concept widely known. Now another 1917 movie, which uses a mirror to the end, is likely to win the same title. Using a lens to show a soldier's tortuous battlefield encounter within a few hours is undoubtedly the biggest gimmick that "1917" attracts the audience.

1917. Data map

As early as 2002, Russian director Sokolov created the Russian ark in a mirror. The film was filmed at the Elmi Tash Museum in St Petersburg, weaving a three hundred year history of a country into a wonderful Museum Tour. After countless rehearsals, the Russian ark made a 90 minute movie length corresponding to 90 minutes of shooting time. In 2012, two American directors launched an experimental documentary called "people's Park". They sat in a wheelchair with a camera on their hands and walked around a people's Park in Chengdu, Sichuan, pushing a wheelchair. The camera imitated a curious visitor's perspective and recorded an ordinary afternoon's scene. In the 2018 Chinese movie "the last night of the earth", there was an hour long 3D long lens that mixed the reality and dream through a mirror. The director, Bi Gan, also created a peculiar sense of viewing ceremony. The illusion created by the film was continuous and continuous.

It can be said that a mirror not only represents a means of photography, but also a special audio-visual presentation, which affects the writer's Narrative Choice and carries the needs of ideographic. Then, what effect did "1917" achieve through a mirror, and what breakthroughs did it achieve?

Compared to the use of super long lens or a mirror to the end of the art film, "1917" as a Hollywood production, the first test and reflect the top level of industry and the concept of executive ability. The biggest challenge facing director Sam Mendes and Hollywood's most prestigious photographer Roger Dickins is to design and hide the editing points, so that the film looks like only one lens to create a coherent and thrilling battlefield crossing.

In 1917, during the first World War, two young soldiers were appointed to take up heavy responsibilities. They needed to join hands in deep danger areas and bring the latest instructions to the ambush front to save thousands of lives. The director Mendes's grandfather provided a blueprint for the film, but the battlefield experience presented in the film was the result of careful design. In the two hours of screen time, the protagonist Schofield experienced not only the unknown dangers of the battlefield, but also the inner struggle. For him, the journey of executing tasks is also a journey of transformation. After crossing the ditch full of rotten corpses and crumbling trenches, Schofield complained that his companion Blake had chosen himself. The comrades in arms saved their lives in good faith but unfortunately they became alone. Their mission was added to one another: he was going to complete the task of transmitting information and find the elder brother of Blake on the front line.

All kinds of dramatic danger and test of human nature make Schofield's fire line travel without drab. Injuries and falls are inevitable. Schofield also needs to fight with the enemy and even jump into the swift water at critical juncture. Although Schofield is moving forward most of the time, the film has designed a rare breathing time for him.

When he was looking for refuge space, he met a French girl and a baby in a babe. When the soul felt across the barriers of language, the comfort brought by strangers would make the warriors more forward. The war destroys the homeland but not the great love, and the anti war message of the film is also transmitted.

In the process of following the protagonist from the rear to the front line, we will constantly associate with video games. After being waken up by his companion and completing his task, he returned to the big tree. Schofield completed a stimulus. The experience in front of him was unknown to him but he was already set up by the film maker ahead of time. He had no chance to fail. He could only adapt himself to the test of fate. In the end, a mirror strengthened the feeling of taking the task with all efforts.

Of course, the beauty of movies can not be replaced. No more lines are needed, all the information is contained in the rich picture and sound effect. Seventh the irreplaceable art lies in its ability to create time and space and stimulate feelings with audio-visual language. There are many unforgettable scenes in "1917": the blazing flames blurred the figure of man, and the moment that blurred the enemy and I hinted at the blindness and horror of the war; the petals of cherry blossoms fell to the surface of the water, and the short natural beauty was destroyed by the swollen floating corpses not far away, and the strong images were more unprovoked and dirty than human violence; when the fearful silence gradually began to melodize and gaze. Singing, we will mourn and admire the soldiers who are fighting at the forefront, and cherish and revere one's life more.


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