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Sun Ruizhe: The Way Of Symbiosis Between Fashion Industry And Digital Technology

2021/4/29 23:54:00 31

2021 China Textile Innovation Annual Meeting · Design SummitSun Ruizhe

It's a great pleasure to be here with you at the 2021 China Textile Innovation annual conference and Design Summit. First of all, on behalf of China Textile Industry Federation, I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations and thanks for the development of Dalang fashion town and its contribution to China's fashion industry!

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Shenzhen is a brand-new city created by the party and the people after the reform and opening up, and it is a wonderful interpretation of socialism with Chinese characteristics on a piece of white paper." The rising Shenzhen big wave is becoming a value highland where Chinese fashion brands stand side by side, coexisting and competing together. Its multidimensional exploration in science and technology, fashion and green has not only outstanding and characteristic "prominence", but also "breakthrough" with chopping waves and substantial effect.

Standing at the intersection of "two centenary" goals, the fashion development of China's textile and garment industry in the future must take creative design as the core, scientific and technological innovation as the support, excellent culture as the guide, brand construction as the driving force, and sustainable development as the guidance, so as to realize the development of high concentration of creativity, high integration of resources and high added value of products. Based on such a fashion development goal, China's textile and clothing industry, as a rapidly changing industry, needs to open up a new mental model, use new technical leverage, seek new development momentum, and achieve new value breakthroughs. This is the original intention of this conference to position the theme of "wisdom is still a new era, value is a new future".

Next, I will discuss with you the symbiosis of fashion industry and digital technology from three dimensions: the development environment, development ability and development path of digital economy to help the high-quality development of the industry.

First, digital technology helps fashion development, and favorable environment is taking shape.

According to the "Digital China Development Report (2020)" released by the state cyber information office on May 25, China's digital economy has leapt to the second place in the world, and the added value of core industries of digital economy accounts for 7.8% of GDP. From the perspective of the development environment of digital technology and industry integration, the acceleration of technological revolution itself, the industrial foundation of textile industry itself, and the gradual release of policy dividend are all injecting new energy into the development of China's textile industry and profoundly changing the mode of production and life.

(1) technological revolution accelerates the leap forward

The future of digital technology has come. The digital economy, especially the artificial intelligence, which started in the last 50 years, ushers in a new upsurge of explosive growth. The computing platforms such as ubiquitous sensing data and graphics processor promote the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology represented by deep neural network, which has greatly crossed the "technological gap" between science and Application Important breakthroughs have been made in the "three calculations" of computational power and material, and new technological breakthroughs have been achieved in artificial intelligence technologies such as image classification, speech recognition, and man-machine game.

Digital technology is bound to lead industrial change. Digital technology, which takes cloud computing, big data, Internet of things, industrial Internet, blockchain, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and augmented reality, as the important support of industrial digitization, will trigger a chain reaction like scientific breakthrough from basic research to industrial practice, leading a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform in China's textile industry, and will contribute to the reconstruction of industrial system, industrial system and industrial transformation Optimizing the industrial structure and promoting the industrial value have a far-reaching impact.

(2) the industrial base is constantly mature

The development of digital economy needs healthy and homogeneous industrial soil. The overall acceleration of digital economy is based on the acceleration of "automation" and "informatization" in the textile industry《 According to the report of data map (2020) of China's textile industry integration development, during the 13th Five Year Plan period, the development level of integration of industrialization and industrialization of textile enterprises has been improved by 15.9%, the digital R & D, design, production, marketing and supply system of textile enterprises have been gradually constructed, the foundation of integration development has been consolidated, the application of single business integration, the integration and interconnection of data, and so on Business collaborative innovation and other indicators have achieved a leap of 10% - 30%.

The development of digital economy needs different levels of "head geese effect". The trend of financing development of large, medium and small enterprises in the textile industry is very obvious, which constantly promotes enterprises to achieve accurate demand response, dynamic resource allocation and efficient business collaboration. The typical ones are: Alibaba cloud uses the "super industrial Internet platform" to build a "1 + n" alliance; Jack sewing machine Co., Ltd. has developed the Internet of things sewing machine and sewing cloud platform for clothing enterprise management needs; Tianning District of Changzhou City has built the first "Internet demonstration base of textile and garment industry" in China by cultivating flexible supply chain production and improving the intelligent level of regional manufacturing industry.

(3) the policy dividend is being released

The development of digital economy has become a national strategy《 The definition of digital economy in the G20 digital economy development and Cooperation Initiative is: "digital economy refers to a series of economic activities that use digital knowledge and information as key production factors, modern information network as an important carrier, and effective use of information and communication technology as an important driving force for efficiency improvement and economic structure optimization". The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that promoting the deep integration of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and the real economy, cultivating new growth points and forming new driving forces, is bound to have a significant and far-reaching impact on economic development, social progress and global governance.

The development of digital economy has become a regional consensus. Various provinces and cities have issued digital economy strategies, regional digital economy competition pattern has accelerated, and digital infrastructure construction has achieved continuous results. At present, more than 20 provinces and autonomous regions such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang have successively issued more than 60 special artificial intelligence plans, involving scientific and technological innovation, integrated application and industrial development. After Beijing national new generation artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot zone was officially established on February 18, 2019, 15 places including Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenzhen and Hangzhou have successively established national new generation artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot areas. Since 2016, 35 universities, including the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University and Peking University, have also established AI colleges.

Second, digital technology helps fashion development, and key capabilities are evolving.

From informatization to digitization and then to intellectualization, digital technology realizes its own great changes in the industrial soil. In essence, it is a process of value mining, value discovery and value management for the new kinetic energy of industrial development. Among them, as an important part of digital technology, artificial intelligence technology shows new features such as deep learning, cross-border integration, human-computer cooperation, open group intelligence, autonomous control, etc., which has achieved preliminary docking with the new needs of industrial development. The effective evolution of key technologies provides a key ability guarantee for the cultivation and development of new kinetic energy for the textile industry.

(1) evolution from "single point technology" to "multi technology and multi scene application"

The "universal" and combined application of digital technology is gradually breaking through the evolution from single point technology to multi scene application, realizing the deep integration of unique data, professional knowledge, business process and intelligent technology, and carrying out comprehensive application and system collaboration in the aspects of popular prediction, product development, quality control, commercial operation, etc.

Taking the application of artificial intelligence as an example, in the field of textile and garment industry, artificial intelligence technologies such as intelligent prediction, intelligent design, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent publishing, and intelligent marketing are constantly emerging, such as identification model based on design elements such as color, pattern and style, industry application research based on text information analysis model of textile economy, technology and fashion, etc Visual based surface defect detection, product quality detection and fault judgment based on voiceprint, and enterprise sales volume and reserve forecast based on accurate demand forecasting model are forming various scenarios of comprehensive ecology.

(2) the evolution from "digital individual" to "platform service"

Digital technology has become the "new infrastructure" and "new energy" for the development of the industry. It needs to take R & D and technical services as the core, complete the transformation from "digital individual" to "platform based service", and realize the large-scale breakthrough from point to area, from individual to aggregation. In the white paper on the core technology industry of artificial intelligence issued by China Academy of communications in 2021, it is pointed out that in the first half of 2020, the market scale of China's artificial intelligence R & D platform will reach 140 million US dollars, with a compound growth rate of more than 30%; The number of daily calls of the head intelligent technology service platform has exceeded one trillion times. The daily call scale of Alibaba cloud AI service is more than 1 trillion, and the daily processing of 1 billion images. The ecological scale of artificial intelligence platform is expanding continuously. Tencent AI open platform has served more than 1.2 billion global users and more than 2 million customers.

In the textile and clothing industry, as a collaborative innovation platform linking digital technology and fashion industry, the fashion industry digital innovation ecological community is emerging The multi-dimensional technical support of blockchain, virtual reality and augmented reality serves the diversification, personalization and easy change of the industry development needs. Through the comprehensive integration of the scale and coordination of digital resources, the precision and high speed of technology application in different scenarios can be realized.

(3) the evolution from "weak artificial intelligence" to "perception enhancement"

Based on the realization function, artificial intelligence technology can be divided into training layer, perception layer and cognitive layer, which respectively simulate human learning ability, information acquisition ability and logic deduction ability《 The white paper on the core technology industry of artificial intelligence points out that the era of perception enhancement of artificial intelligence technology system has begun. The new algorithm focuses on improving the quality and scale of data. It will draw inspiration from cognitive psychology, brain science and human social history, and combine cross domain knowledge mapping, causal reasoning, continuous learning and other technologies, Establish an effective mechanism to acquire and express knowledge stably, so that knowledge can be understood and used by machines, and realize the key breakthrough from perceptual intelligence to cognitive intelligence.

In the textile and clothing industry, the practical application of artificial intelligence is still at the training level and perception level. Face recognition, image recognition, image search, character recognition, machine translation, machine learning, big data calculation and data visualization technology are gradually used. Artificial intelligence technology system will eventually achieve the "intelligent evolution" of perception enhancement, which will provide infinite imagination for the industry to realize highly independent and conscious future development. For example, China Textile Information Center has adopted Xiaobing's artificial intelligence visual recognition, natural language processing technology and generation confrontation network technology to develop an artificial intelligence pattern design creative interactive platform with Lufeng, Dali and other enterprises, established the textile fabric pattern design information resource data and analysis system, and developed the textile fabric pattern artificial intelligence generative design model, On the basis of the research on the application technology of artificial intelligence textile fabric pattern, according to the design logic of the research results of the popular trend of Chinese textile fabric pattern, the design model of artificial intelligence fabric pattern generation is developed by using Gan and can generation confrontation algorithm technology, so as to realize the diversity and original design of fabric pattern in line with the style characteristics of fashion trend, It enriches the creative ability of textile fabric pattern design and improves the innovation efficiency of textile product development.

Third, digital technology helps fashion development, and the necessary path needs to break through.

In the great historical opportunity period of strengthening the layout of digital economy, reaping the dividend of digital economy and leading the intelligent development, China's textile and garment industry needs to explore the practical development path, build the core digital strategic resources, and establish a more intelligent industrial mental model.

(1) improving the penetration of digital technology in the industry

The integrated development of fashion manufacturing, producer services and cultural and creative industries will bring new industrial innovation opportunities for the development of China's textile and clothing industry and the innovative application and basic penetration of digital technology.

Take artificial intelligence as an example. On the one hand, clothing retail industry and food retail industry are at the forefront in the application of artificial intelligence technology, with penetration rates as high as 33% and 29% respectively. On the other hand, the overall penetration rate of China's al technology in the industrial field is low, only 8.6% in 2019, and the penetration rate of artificial intelligence in the whole textile industry is 6.6%.

It can be seen that in the field of textile and clothing industry, the new generation of artificial intelligence technology has not yet become the key engine for the development of industrial intelligence, and there is great potential to improve the maturity and application level of the new generation of artificial intelligence technology. In the future, in the process of intelligent industrialization and industrial intelligence, we should continue to promote the cross-border resource integration between traditional enterprises and science and technology enterprises, deeply integrate the industry data with the new generation of artificial intelligence technology and algorithm, build the basic resource support and application development platform for industrial intelligent upgrading, and constantly innovate new industrial operation and service modes, To seek high quality development of the industry with "high intelligence".

(2) broaden the application scenarios of digital technology

The multi scene application of digital technology, relying on the data series and high collaboration of different subjects, different links and different fields, breaks through the limitation of time and space through "going to the cloud", gets through the chain and meridians with "number", and stores and releases energy with wisdom. It has opened an efficient, transparent and creative development mode in terms of production efficiency, design mode, demand driven and retail experience.

Led by China Textile Information Center, the "Digital Technology Innovation Alliance for fashion industry" has emerged a number of excellent solutions for digital technology to meet the needs of the industry. For example, Shanghai Qingjia Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. has launched the NAO virtual knitting machine system, which digitizes the corresponding relationship between knitting patterns, knitting needles and tracks, so as to realize the perfect connection between creative design and knitting process, and improve the design level and production efficiency; With the help of the idea digital platform of Guangdong "Shidi intelligent" Technology Co., Ltd., 3D design and AR / VR technology are used to realize the end-to-end virtual design of the whole process. More than 900 color matching and all samples of Anta FILA's new season products can be completed in two weeks, and the overall progress can be saved by about 75%; Shanghai mengke Information Technology Co., Ltd. uses big data, cloud computing and other technologies, relying on coloro digital color system, to build a leading textile color development, textile dyeing quality control and printing and dyeing solutions, effectively embedding digital color into the fabric development field; From the perspective of Omni channel data insight and user label portrait system, convertlab constructs RFM model and user journey design to help many international fashion brands establish Omni channel marketing solutions, effectively improve the repurchase rate, customer price and overall revenue; Beijing Jirui Technology Co., Ltd. "ecpro e-shanghuo" clothing e-commerce one-stop AI intelligent platform, based on the technology of fashion intelligent collocation, marketing copy generation and fashion trend analysis, helps the e-commerce platforms of handu clothing, Yichun, Jiangnan cloth clothing and other brands to improve the ability of fashion, accurate and fast update.

In the future, based on different scenarios of smart prediction, smart design, smart manufacturing, smart publishing and smart application, it is necessary to strengthen the continuous acquisition and accumulation of data in each process of the industry, build the basis for the whole industry link traceability, strengthen data resource mining and analysis, such as user behavior analysis, emotional semantic analysis, social media analysis, etc., to subdivide application scenarios and create application requirements, Related application value.

(3) guide the value transformation of digital technology

The key to the effective implementation of digital technology in the industry lies in promoting the real value transformation, strengthening the deep integration of innovation chain and industrial chain, and matching and evolution of technology supply and market demand, rather than simply technology for technology and change for change.

In 2019, the fabricant, a new 3D virtual fashion company, auctioned the world's first digital high-end customized garment "iridescence Rainbow Dress" made with blockchain technology, with a transaction price of $9500. Although the transaction price is enviable, we should also pay attention to the change of consumer lifestyle and the mutation of new generation consumption cultural value.

Guiding the value transformation of digital technology is a systematic behavior integrating innovation and research, consumption cognition, market cultivation and cultural promotion, rather than a single cool "technology island". In the future, in the process of promoting the combination of digital technology seed and industrial soil, we should pay attention to strengthening the symbiotic relationship between forward-looking technology and current application demand, combining with high-quality industry promotion and cognitive irrigation, leading demand with technology, feeding technology with demand, and playing the "head goose effect" of leading enterprises, so as to realize the gradient transfer of digital technology in key fields, and realize the development of digital technology Widely used and effective iteration.

(4) strengthen the effective governance of digital fashion

The social impact of digital economy is increasingly prominent. On the one hand, digital technology, as the core force of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, is promoting the upgrading of traditional industries. On the other hand, due to the complexity, expansibility, uncontrollability and unpredictability of digital technology, it is urgent to guide its healthy, orderly and safe development, standardize the order of research and development, production and consumption of digital technology, and seek the "good wisdom" of technology to benefit human beings through the "good governance" of digital technology.

The Chinese government attaches great importance to the governance of digital technology. In June 2019, the national new generation of artificial intelligence governance professional committee issued the governance principles of the new generation of artificial intelligence: developing responsible artificial intelligence, and put forward the framework and action guide of artificial intelligence governance, with strong harmony and friendship, fairness and justice, inclusiveness and sharing, respect for privacy, security and controllability, openness and cooperation In order to ensure the safety, reliability and controllability of artificial intelligence, promote the sustainable development of economy, society and ecology, and build a community of shared future for mankind.

In the future, in the field of textile industry, it is also necessary to focus on the risk prevention and control of digital technology, build an independent and controllable fashion innovation ecology, establish problem awareness, grasp the right of discourse of key digital technologies in standard formulation, effectively improve the ability of data security protection, strengthen the anti-monopoly in the field of digital economy, increase technology patents, digital copyrights, digital content products, etc Personal privacy and other areas of protection, to achieve shared global fashion governance.

Kevin Kelly, a world-famous science and technology writer, once said: "no matter how technology evolves, it will continue in the direction that was determined 14 billion years ago: greater complexity, diversity, specialization, universality, sociality, coherence, energy density and sensibility... And so far, human nature is our greatest invention, And we're not done yet. "

The development of digital technology in the field of fashion is an eternal and magnificent movement of human nature in promoting self exploration. The dawn of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation can be seen. In this competition, which is related to the future and destiny, we should keep in mind the industry's original intention of "people-oriented", and take the construction of Digital China as an opportunity to promote the intelligent upgrading of China's fashion civilization under the new development pattern, so as to make its internal scientific and technological support more powerful, its cultural connotation richer, and its mode innovation more diversified, It is a fashion industry integrating technical beauty, artistic beauty, social beauty and life beauty. It is believed that in the process of industry consensus and co construction, China's fashion, which is flashy, down-to-earth, smart and agile, will surely bloom in the center of the world fashion stage!

Thank you!

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